Post this in a new blogpost on your Media blog and
complete the LR tasks/questions below.
WWW: A good, solid start to Media, well done. Your fruit
bowl is excellent – creative and also perfectly fitting the task. Your photo
storyboard contains some good shots but we need to look again at some of the
EBI: One piece of unfinished work: you didn’t complete
the 10 opening questions – leaving out the most time-consuming aspect which
involved watching and analysing the Sherlock clip. In addition, your photo
storyboard tells the story but doesn’t label every shot accurately (your
extreme close up is actually just a close up etc.) The whole point is to
demonstrate you’ve learned how to identify each camera shot! You need to go
back and complete/correct these tasks. Finally, Brotherhood was a good choice
of film poster but you’ll need to add much more depth to your media analysis
over the next year or so.
LR: Complete/correct the missing work. Reflect on your
first month of Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far?
What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop
over the rest of the course?
1. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far?
The strongest piece of work i have done in my opinion was the camera shot analysis.
2. What is your weakest?
The weakest blog i have done yet was the brotherhood because it was my first work and it was hard to complete but at the end i went through it and completed it.
3. What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
The knowledge i need to develop is better explaining on analysis.
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